Monday, August 4, 2008

Day One on the Work Site.......

Our Village for Today

Team Davis

El Jefe!

Team Troutman/Harris

Team Cox

We were able to complete 3 houses to this stage today and get the posts up for two more. Tomorrow we will complete these five houses and attempt to get five more well underway before we break at 2pm to go to the food and clothing distribution. All ten of these houses are in the same village.

Today's Blog entry is from Team Harris (Gary Harris, Wayne Hill, Christian Davis, Marian Wright, Anna Tolan, Joe Payne, Skip Everhart):

Today was an absolute blessing to all of us. We never had any idea that we would be the ones receiving the blessings.

Going in to the village for me was initially shocking ,with people living in the most unbelievable conditions that you could ever imagine. After arriving we were received with such love. Even with no communication between us the barriers were broken immediately.

The children played all day, learning many games and English that Tracy and her girls taught them. Smiling from ear to ear they were very grateful for our time.

Marian and Jane (Dodd) got really confident in their skills building windows and doors. They thought they were not going to be able to do much but again God brought us through it.

Gary's Random observations from Day 1 on the Worksite:

Skip Everhart nailed his glove to a post

Bobby Cox likes to say "Nail it before it rots."

Sean Grzeck is the tallest person in Guatemala. Him walking through the worksite is like watching Godzilla roll through Tokyo. Being 6'7" has advantages on the work site, though. He can get things done without a ladder that others couldn't.

Bobby Cox likes to say "Measure twice, cut once".

We had stew beef and rice for supper. Muy Delicioso.

Mark Hamlet played the guitar in public for only the 2nd time in his life tonight. (The 1st time for Taylor's 4th grade class.) He played so we could sing some songs during devotions tonight and did great. He sure played better than we sang.

All the youth on the trip say that the chips and cheetos down here taste better than the ones back home.

Mary Avery can do anything on the worksite a man can and just as good.

My work site mixed and poured a concrete floor for our house in an hour. Turn and Burn!

Squaring the posts for the house is tough.

If you're one of the families getting a house, it's probably better to get the 2nd or 3rd house the group builds. I'm just saying.........

The view from the house where I'm typing this right now is beautiful.

Saw 2 goats and a cow get taken for walks at different points in the day.

A ladder almost fell off the truck on the way home today. No harm, no foul.

I had a PB&J, and a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch today. Maybe it's me, but you let them badboys sit in a brown paper bag in the sun for the morning, and when you go to eat them,....... they just taste better. I love them like that.

We had communion last night during devotions. Jayne was going to use hard tortilla shells for the bread but then realized we be dipping them into the juice and realized, in her own words, "that would get a little too funky". So we cut up soft flour tortillas and dipped them into the juice. I suggested we use the hard chips and dip them into salsa for communion. Couldn't sell Jayne on that, but not everybody recognizes genius.

Lastly, Jayne continues to do a great job.



Candace said...

Looks like everyone is really getting into the thick of things. I really wish I could have gone with everyone. The pictures bring back great memories--keep up the good work!


Mike Womble said...

You guys are in our prayers! Thanks for sharing your gifts and time with your new friends. May those friendships last a lifetime.

- Your family at Winter Park Baptist.