Monday, August 10, 2009


What a week. It was a Monday for sure after being gone for a week. Tried to go in late but all I wanted to do was tell someone about the trip(Like Drew mentioned earlier). It was hard to focus. I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever forget this trip(that was for you G and Jeff). If you ever see me stop and ask me about it, I will be glad to TRY to explain how great it was.

I was so nervous because I was out of town the week before so I could not go to the meeting and I really did not know anyone except Wayne and John Hill, whom have had a special place in my heart for sometime(Wayne was my Sunday school teacher). But as soon as I arrived Sunday morning at 445 AM I knew God put me there for a reason. It was awesome everyone was so excited and ready to "WALK WORTHY".

The week started kinda tough. Huge hills, heavy tools, tough breathing, but once we got to the first sight we knew what we where there for. Man it was awesome. The trails got easier as the week passed. The children made the work worth it. The feeling you get from a childs laughter is unforgettable.

I am not very good at this so what I really want to say is thank you to everyone on the trip. You guys will always be in my heart and my stories. I hope to spend more time with you all in the future showing everyone how awesome God is and what he can do in your life.

All day i have been singing Mighty To Save in my mind

So take me as you find me...

All my fears and failures

Fill my life again

I give my life to follow...

Everything I believe in

Now I surrender

I will never forget this week, ever.

Lets keep in touch and WALK WORTHY in everything we do.


1 comment:

Gary Harris said...

very nice post, Dewayne.