Friday, August 7, 2009

This is my first mission trip and I am wondering "where in the world is Wes Davis????"

What a great week God has provided for us and for the families we have been able to help.  

Well, by now you have read most of the blogs and you know about all the wonderful work we have been doing here.  It has all been such an amazing experience that words can not truly express how meaningful this trip has been.

From the smiling faces of the children, the tearful eyes of the parents, the gratitude of the communities and villages, the hugs of the disabled orphans, and the support of our team--  God has truly been present everyday.

Two memories that I will hold in my heart always are:  An elderly gentleman at the food distribution stopped to hug me and then sang "The Old Rugged Cross" in Spanish.  The message was the same--no matter the language---the song is always powerful.  

The other memory:  As we were walking down the steep hill from our last dedication today, two young girls were calling after me, "Gingy, Gingy."  At first, I did not turn around as I had become accustomed to the kids saying my name as they giggled, but I yelled salutations as I kept walking.  When the "Gingy" continued, I stopped and looked back to see two beautiful smiling girls running toward me with a small pottery vase that they wanted to gift me.  Even now, the graciousness and gratitude in that simple act causes emotions to well up in me.   I hope to never ever forget it.

Now in closing, I have to give so much credit to FBC and the youth department.  Don Vigus and his staff have truly served your youth well.  We have some young adults (or older youth :-) ) on this trip that have grown up or spent several years under the guidance and support of FBC Youth Dept.  These individuals have been such a blessing, encouragement, and inspiration to me on this trip.  Their compassion and love shines through in their joyful smiles and laughter, bright smiling eyes, and endless acts of love towards all.  


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