Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today was a great day! We only had 2 houses to build..and only have 2 more to build tomorrow :) The worksite wasnt a hike at all...and we were lucky enough to have both work teams close together! As for Mccall, Ashley, and I....we are the custom door and window builders, who only make mistakes when Don Vigus rolls around. Not only do we build, we hang, and we install all the parts. We are your ONE STOP door and window installers.

As for the mistakes go, we were almost through building the house we were assigned to for the day, and Don decides he is going to measure and cut a piece of siding without asking anyone if it's the right piece to cut to fit across our door...that was a minor technicality as Don calls it. We then had to cut 3 more pieces of lumber to put above the door in order for the siding to fit. BUT, the house looks great and we got it done!

We finished early and had a picnic lunch down at the bottom of the worksite all together. As we were about to leave, Mccall and Will saw a group of kids and their families down the street so some of us walked down to give them candy and a few toys. The children were so thankful, and so blessed to have been given something as simple, and small as a few pieces of candy and chalk for the street. It made me realize how lucky and fortuante we all are. The kids had the biggest smile on their face and it was the greatest thing ever to see how God uses us to spread his love!

From then on, we drove back to the house, and have just been chillaxinnnn. Fellowship is such a wonderful thing! :)

Hey mom, i know your reading this! :) and Hey to everyone else! Talk to you all soon! :)


Unknown said...

look at those pro window and door makers :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Abbey!! WOW!! I'm impressed at everyone's ability - I'm thinking of some of my own home improvements....and I know where I can find good workers!! :) Sounds like you're having an awesome time and I'm sure the Guatemalan (spelled right?) families are so grateful. Spread your love and sweet smile all around! We love you and miss you!

st. ZACH said...

glad things are going well...I guess Don never saw "tool time". measure twice...cut once.