Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 5

DAY FIVE...finishing the houses...five house dedications and food distributions

Today was another day of brilliant sunshine and high spirits by the First Baptist Guatemala mission team.  We had a busy, but very fulfilling day!

To start off, the team put the finishing touches on the houses while Don, Kelsey, and I (Leisha) went to the grocery store to get enough food to feed each family that received a house for a month.  This time we thought it would be cool to give them a bowl with a pitcher, cups, and some dishes and dishcloths along with their food.  We had fun picking everything out and goofing off in the store!

Right before noon we began the house dedications.  At this time we officially give the house over to each family and dedicate the house as a blessing that God has given them through us.  We are able to also see where they are spiritually by asking them if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Pastor Max came with us to each dedication.  There are no words to really describe the appreciation that these people have for this house that we wouldn't even put our garden tools in.  I wish you could hear their prayers of gratitude.  I want you to know how much this simple shelter makes a difference in their life!  Thankyou so much for having a giving heart for these people of Guatemala!

After the dedications of the homes, we had a little bit of rest time before we did the food distribution.  at the food distribution I was blown away that this time we were able to feed 100 families!! If you were to walk into the home of the average Guatemalan you would find no pantry.  These people live day by day feeding and providing for their families.  I was astonished when I learned that these people will make the amount of food we gave them last about a month.  This really made my mind come to a halt for a second.  I realized that God has been teaching me about being a better steward of my resources.  I was able to see what a privelege, that as Americans with a surplus of food to eat, we are able to be picky and wasteful because we can be.  Imagine if you had no options!  I think that this idea really would be a hard thing for us to experience.  I look in my pantry every day and just because I don't want what is in there, I head to the grocery store to get something I do want to eat.  Based on the experience today, I really want to encourage you to learn more about world hunger and the effects that being hungry, and I mean truly hungry, can have on a persons life.  Many of the people here miss out on opportunities to continue their education and thus have more opportunity to prosper because they are not able to feed themselves adequately enough.

Speaking of food, being one of the cooks this week has really brought on a new perspective for me.  I went on the trip back in July and worked every day on the work site.  This time, being in the kitchen, I have been able to observe more of the work God has done in the hearts of the team working here.  I can not even begin to describe how perfectly put together this team is.  I loved having people here who have never expereinced Guatemala.  I was able to see God really working.  It was a pleasure to wake up every morning and serve them!  I am so blessed to have the privelege of taking a step outside where I could witness the work of Christ in the lives of people in Guatemala.  This is a special place.

Again, it has been a complete honor to serve the team and fuel them to do God's work, and also to cook for the local pastor and his family.  Tonight was another special time!  We had a delicious fajita dinner complete with guacamole (FINALLY) and brownies for dessert.  It was like a big party with old friends.  A real fiesta!  After dinner, we scurried upstairs to play some fun games, sing songs, and spend time praying and rejoicing in what God has done this week.  WOW what an amazing day.  I could just sit and speak with these people for hours.  I am so happy that God gave me the privelege of having a good education and being able to speak Spanish with these people.  It has been hard since being out of school to maintain my ability to speak, but by the end of thise night, I was really on a roll!  Pastor Max's daughter Melina and I just sat on the couch, and I really got to know her, as well as answer some of her questions about our lives and the work we have been doing for Christ.  She really was interested in learning about our families, our friends, and our desires.  She has two beautiful children that are just darling (even though she calls them maƱosos -a word that has a similar meaning to "brat" in English).  I really hope that those of us who return to Guatemala will be able to develop closer relationships with this family!

Just as a side note -I am really impressed with the willingness of this team to be so willing to learn and embrace Spanish!  It is definitely not a requirement, because the universal language is love, but the ability to speak with the people you are serving opens up the doors to realize that these people are REAL.

There is so much more that I could share, but I want to leave room for you to wonder, and pray about what God might have you do in Guatemala one day!  God is on display here, and I hope you might be encouraged and see the changes in the hearts of the people who have experienced and shown the love of Christ here.

In the Love of Christ,

Friday, October 12, 2012

a few Guatemala pics

Here are some pics from our home dedications and food distributions